
Ubisoft Launches Sam, A Virtual Assistant Only For Gamers

Ubisoft Launches Sam, A Virtual Assistant Only For Gamers

Ubisoft has just launched Sam, a virtual banana aimed at gamers. The banana volition alive inside the Ubisoft Gild companion app for Android and iOS. The gaming behemothic has already started to ringlet out Sam equally a beta update starting with its user base in Canada.

Sam is a virtual banana designed specifically for Ubisoft gamers. That means Sam is deeply integrated with Ubisoft'southward services.

Equally far as functionality is concerned, Ubisoft has a very skilful video explaining all the major stuff that Sam can do correct now. Yous can ask Sam uncomplicated trivia questions near Ubisoft's game and it will give you the answers. You can even use acronyms for the names of the game and Sam volition understand which game yous are talking nearly. Sam volition likewise proceed a track of all the games that y'all are playing and requite you related information. For instance, y'all can ask, "How long I have played Assassins Creed Origins" and the companion volition tell you the exact hours you accept spent playing the game. Information technology will even requite you lot an gauge of what percentage of the game you have explored.

Sam will also exist intelligent enough to help you lot through sticky situations in games. For instance, if yous are stuck on any level for a long time, Sam will proactively suggest a manner for you to master that level. Yous can too ask Sam to show y'all which games your friends are playing and then purchase that game if you don't already have information technology. Sam tin as well show you trailers of new game releases and keep track of the launch dates.

As you can run into, if Sam is actually as good every bit advertised, it will come really handy to gamers. I especially love the feature which allows me to easily access my playing stats and too the i where information technology tin can help me primary a level I alone cannot. However, the service is nevertheless in beta and only bachelor in Canada, so in that location is no way to know if it actually works as good equally it sounds. Nonetheless, it's a good initiative from Ubisoft and I for 1 would love to run into how this pans out.


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